Embracing Winter In Wisconsin

It’s funny how many of us Wisconsinites loathe winter. Until I made the conscious effort to embrace these short & frigid days, that used to be me.

Determined to kick the winter blahs, I’ve tried a bunch of tricks & tips over the years. Here’s what’s worked best for me.

#1: Simplify your space. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo is about clearing your space & keeping only what you love (or absolutely need) to cultivate a sense of calmness & clarity. After paring down the contents of my entire home, I wholeheartedly agree with the “magic” in tidying. Check out this #1 New York Times Best Seller.

#2: Hygge. Pronounced: “hoo-ga”, is a Danish way of living that focuses on being present, socializing, enjoying the simple things & slowing down. Since Denmark continuously ranks high on the “happiness” lists, I decided to try it out. Turns out, it works.

There are many ways to hygge, but I’ve especially enjoyed socializing with my family over the warm glow of candles, taking midday breaks to visit friends, drinking copious amounts of tea & watching movies. For me, it’s been about making the season special; making a "treat" out of the little luxuries that the season affords.

#3: Get outside, no matter what. I am always cold. Even in my own home, I’m often wearing layers & a wool hat. So going for walks in our recent sub zero temps wasn’t particularly tempting, but I bundled up & did it. And it’s been awesome. The sun has been shining, the world seems quieter & I'm finding more gratitude for the season. 

#4: Explore a new activity. Go ice skating, rent a fat tire bike or cross country skis, join attend a candlelight hike or ski event, or take a skiing or snowboarding lesson. If you're set on staying indoors, try a hip hop class, a hula hooping class or indoor rock climbing. Groupon & Living Social offer a plethora of deals on 1 month trials, so it’s easy to keep your winter activities exciting & fresh. 

Whatever you do, make the best of the season. Find what makes you smile, and remember, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” - Ranulph Fiennes.

Do you have any tips or tricks of your own? Get in touch, we would love to hear about them!